The "Notes", is a collection of thoughts. I wanna keep it more personal, so i don’t call it a blog. These artifacts are either on design and entrepreneurship or simply irregular text inspired by mind-blowing and soul-shaking experiences.
In the same measure it's an experiment, to improve writing skills and clearly get my thoughts up.
The one who really gets me
The one who really gets me.
The one who knows exactly how
I am feeling just by reading between the
nanoseconds of silence between my words.
That who does not require a recap
of my personal history.
That who refills my
shapes and craters.
She is no longer within my immediate radius.
She is no longer a message distance
That girl, is a continent
and eight hour difference away.
I would miss her.
if it weren't for the fact that she
feels nearer than most.
That girl feels nearer than those
sitting next to me
at this table right now.
You’re still here
After all this
After all it
You’re still here
in my mind.
True loves
I feel the constant urge to write love letters to my friends.
They are the true loves of my life.
When to Share Your Work
The moment before sharing your work is equal parts fear and excitement. Does this project or idea, as it stands, meet its minimum requirements? If I had more time, what would I add to this or do differently? And lots of other questions.
Usulally you are overthinking it. If you’re just sitting there spinning your wheels, tweaking every little detail and becoming more and more anxious, it’s time to say “fuck it” and just ship it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” This quote is completely true. Once you know what you want, you can stop taking advice from just anyone. You can filter out the endless noise and hone in on your truth.
Conversely, people who know what they want in life see the world differently. All people selectively attend to things that interest or excite them. For example, when you want a new car, you start to notice the same car every where. How does this happen? You didn’t seem to notice that everyone drove Jaguar XF before.
So if you doubt it, the first step is to create a detailed vision on what you want, then commit to that path. It’s so much easier to act when you have a fixed vision of what you want in mind.
“This is a fundamental irony of most people’s lives. They don’t quite know what they want to do with their lives. Yet they are very active.” — Ryan Holiday
The second step, is stop thinking and complementing your goal, keep it fix, then take short steps. If you wait for your work to be perfect, you will over-think it to death and never share anything. Of course we want to share quality work we are proud of, just check if it meets minimum requirements and put your work out there, then improve it later.
I enjoy creating products from concept to release and optimize existing ones so they perform better from both a user and business perspective. My expertise covers the entire digital product design process including brand communication, user experience and user interface design.
For any questions, work or partnership, please feel free to get in touch: work@cojocarumaxim.com