E-commerce design
A new e-commerce site for a construction company.
Construction services should be simple
The main task was to create a platform where the order of construction services becomes an understandable and pleasant process. The site should introduce, advise and help choose among services. This is the place where clients feel care and support from a team of experts in the industry.
Online-store. The task was to completely simplify the process of purchasing construction materials, without additional steps and unnecessary fields in the contact form. It should be as simple as ordering a cup of coffee .
The third important task was systematization. All applications and new contacts fall into a single control system. The site should systematize all the internal processes of the company, so that clients receives high-quality and fast service.

We did a lot of work creating a user-friendly interface. On each page, customers get clearly structured information. On the left sidebar there’s always the contact manager information. This significantly increased the number of calls, then loyalty to the brand itself.
Designed for humans
We created a website for “humans”, in one of the most complex service industries — construction services. We managed to create a friendly atmosphere due to the human factor: photos and manager contact information in the sidebar. We divided the site in common categories and developed an online store with a simplified form of ordering goods. Now you don’t need to go through registration or several stages of filling out forms to buy goods. Everything happens on the same page.

The service page
For each service, we've developed a separate landing page in a simple familiarization format, we share works and tell about the technical side of the product. The key goal is to create trustful relations with the client.

It became easier to buy
We rethought the process of purchasing goods for construction services. Now it's easier to buy, the visitor makes an order directly on the basket page.
A new level of customer service
We started working with Andrey Romanichev, co-owner of the “Stroy-Krovlja”, in December 2016. A large-scale project, with an ambitious goal to change the quality of customer service in the construction sector. We have divided the task into several stages from the concept to the automation of applications from the site.
Human relations with clients served as the foundation and the main idea while creating the site concept. The visitor should receive a consultation within seconds, estimate the work’s costs with the calculator or send a request for estimation. Speed and feedback are key indicators of service quality.
We decided to create a friendly, and most importantly a functional interface, which will help you quickly navigate through a large amount of information or for example quickly find out the price per m2 for metal roofing. So there came the idea to create a fixed sidebar on the left side of the site that gives quick access to the most necessary functions of the site and contact information of the manager.

I think we managed to create a highly "client-oriented" sites in the construction industry. Due to design, simplicity, and automation.
Selected works
I enjoy creating products from concept to release and optimize existing ones so they perform better from both a user and business perspective. My expertise covers the entire digital product design process including brand communication, user experience and user interface design.
For any questions, work or partnership, please feel free to get in touch: work@cojocarumaxim.com