VFound provides an opportunity to invest in blockchain economy.
Invest in blockchain economy
The task was to develop a control panel for VFound that provides an opportunity for investors looking for the simplest way to get into the decentralised economy. It should be both simple and detailed to give the user the possibility to buy and monitor investment growth.

It was a great opportunity to get a strong understanding in blockchain economy. I started with a deep research and lot of questions to my partners, to figure out how it works. I always questioned myself, what’s the simplest way to represent all the data and complex terminology.
Importantly, individual investors with little knowledge of cryptocurrency content do not want to miss opportunities to be exposed to undervalued digital assets. This is why the VFound is coming.

The main screen represents a graphic diagram of investment growth. Users see the Vtoken rate and growth in percentages for the specified period. Investors has the functionality to choose a convenient segment for visualizing the data, by hours or by days.
Below is available the investments portfolio, that shows the capital profit of supporting projects that are built on decentralised platforms. The rate of investments, and the total growth rate.

Add or send funds
The user can instantly send funds to other users directly from his personal cabinet, which makes the platform flexible and attractive for investors.

Advanced security system
To improve the platform security, we designed several protection steps in a friendly form suggesting the user to verify data and confirm transactions with his password.

Make it simple, make investors happy
The interface has a flexible system of prompts that helps Users understand the crypto-economy. We paid special attention to simplicity, for each function we’ve prepared a brief instruction.
The target group of investors consists of individuals and institutional investors who either have some understanding about the cryptocurrency world or those who mainly want to diversify a small part of their classical financial assets into the new economy. It is expected that the large majority of people outside the community are still sceptical about cryptocurrencies and that it will take time to gain support among them.

I was lucky enough to be the lead designer and develop a strong user experience truth simplifying and data visualisation. The exponential rise of blockchain technology used in real businesses is already delivering visible value added effects to the economy. Undoubtedly such a revolution, will not be overlooked by the retail investors. It was my first experience building a complex interface system on blockchain.
Selected works
I enjoy creating products from concept to release and optimize existing ones so they perform better from both a user and business perspective. My expertise covers the entire digital product design process including brand communication, user experience and user interface design.
For any questions, work or partnership, please feel free to get in touch: work@cojocarumaxim.com